May 13, 2009
Job tip #2: Make time for lunch (with people)
Lunchtime is a rare opportunity to get to know people and form a relationship with your otherwise busy co-workers. Sure, you may have to work a little later to make up for your leisure hour away, but you get to build on trust and camaraderie in turn. That trust and camaraderie can go a long way during challenging times at work... Think about it, would you rather help your friend out of a ditch or an aloof associate?
Lunchtime can also be a great way to set up a one on one interaction with the big boss... or your direct reports (if you're the big boss). Since the big boss is always busy, but needs to eat, a walk down the block to grab a sandwich is just as good as a 30 minute pow-wow meeting. In fact, it may be even better, since the BB will see you outside of the "office" element and will perhaps loosen up a bit. Vice-versa, the big boss needs to build loyalty with the staff, perhaps paying for an occasional lunch or coffee is enough of a treat to build favor among the troops.
So, take some time out to have "lunch", their is a business purpose to it after all!
May 12, 2009
Rants and Raves: Vending Machines are Evil!

May 9, 2009
Job tip #1: Play by the rules!
Job Tip #1: Play by the rules (when you're new or when you get a new boss)
Every workplace has its rules. These rules may be clearly written in an employee guidebook, taught during orientation, or communicated by those already “in the know”.
It is easy to take the employee code of conduct and toss it in the recycle bin, fool around during orientation or sexual harassment class, and sign and disregard the employee technology policy without a second look. Just know that doing so, may involuntarily end your time with your company sooner than you think.
What many new employees fail to realize is that almost all companies/organizations have a little, hidden but known clause that details a new employee's probationary period. During the probationary period, usually the initial three months of employment, an employee can resign without notice and can be released from employment without notice, the opportunity for corrective action, or severance pay. While this is critical to new employees, the same can be said for employees who have already passed the probationary period; especially when you get a new boss! I've seen so many colleagues get *dinged* for multiple violations, most especially in this volatile job market, so make sure that you know the rules!
The important thing is to learn the obvious rules, play by them, and avoid crossing the line; then learn the unwritten rules and do the same thing.
May 5, 2009
Leadership Tips: 7 Points to Remember
What struck me as interesting and made me even more engaged during her speech was her humility. The woman did not advertise her credentials, nor did she seem boastful or self-entitled. She went on to say share some of the finer points she learned during her uphill battle with prejudice and adversity:
Be Yourself. There is nothing more difficult than trying to be who you are not. It is important to remember where you came from, and what you've done to get to where you are now. Have no shame, and use any struggles and bad experiences as sources of strength... after all, you did eventually overcome them. Besides, smart people will always know if you're wearing a mask.
Persist. Ms. Success mentioned that at one point in her career, she interviewed for a high level job for which she knew she was more than qualified. Unfortunately, the hiring executive bluntly told her that she did not fit the image, since all of her contacts were old, school, boy's club types, and they would be uncomfortable interacting with a petite, female, minority figure. Well, she did not let this comment phase her and persisted in interviewing with numerous companies - some telling her the same thing. Eventually, she landed an even greater position at a more prestigious company. She learned that by persisting, a door of opportunity will eventually open.
Adapt. During numerous boardroom meetings, Ms. Success noticed a trend in the way the majority of executives interacted. Since 99% of them were All-American, alpha males, they usually broke the ice by talking football or golf. Now, Ms. Success is neither a football or golf fan... but she did realize the importance of interacting with her peers and not being left out and exposed as an outcast. So, before every meeting, along with reading the headlines in the Wall Street Journal, she would also flip to the Sports Section to catch up on the interests of her peers. While this may seem contradictory to the first point (Be Yourself), remember that much of success comes from relationship building. And, if you don't make an effort to adapt and try new things, you will block the natural growth of a relationship.
Don't lose sight of the other 25%. Ms. Success stated that as an individual, you are always judged by your performance and contributions at work... 75% of the time! But, what about the other 25%? The relationship building aspect? Well, if you forget about the other 25%, you will soon reach a plateau in your progression to the top. Thus, don't skip out on too many lunches with your peers or superiors, make every opportunity to chit-chat, share your experiences and stories. If you don't build relationships, you may end up alone in a mediocre position with nothing to look forward to but a pat on the back from time to time. Building relationships ensures that you will eventually have a network of people who will help propel you towards your goals in the future.
Stretch Beyond Your Comfort Zone. Let's be honest... everyone loves the feeling of being the best at what we're doing. But how long will you feel good, if what you're doing remains the same year after year? Colin Powell once said, “If it ain't broke, don't fix it' is the slogan of the complacent, the arrogant or the scared. It's an excuse for inaction, a call to non-arms.” It's usually the person who becomes complacent who no longer continues to grow in self-worth.
Give Back. Along your journey, you will have learned many valuable lessons and gone through many enlightening experiences. Why not share that knowledge with others? Be a mentor, confidante, teacher... None of us would have succeeded if not for the advice and teachings of those in the know. Pay it forward, because it will eventually catch up to you.
Balance! That is... find balance in your life. If you have a family, make sure you have quality time devoted to them. Enjoy your time with your spouse, parents, siblings and relatives. Spend time with good friends and make sure to laugh often. If you want to focus on yourself, make sure that you find ways to personally develop. Take some classes in something totally unrelated to work, travel, try new foods, meet new people. No one can keep sane with all work and no play... that's not what life is all about. Being happy in your personal life, will make success easier and more fun to accomplish!
Remember these 7 points... and take advantage of Ms. Success' knowledge and experience. I know I will!
Feb 18, 2009
Today is a Special Day
Today is Wednesday. It’s just another ordinary day if I make it so, but I just felt a buzz this morning that made it feel like it is a special day; even though it just started. The buzz I felt is not the kind you get by drinking a few good cocktails; it’s more like feeling the way you do, when your favorite football team wins the superbowl... or when you watch a Hollywood happy ending.
It’s strange though, because I got that feeling just by taking off my coat. Yes… taking off my coat. It felt blissful that I was able to unbutton my coat with three quick flicks of my thumb and index finger. It was such a smooth feeling as the silk lining graciously slid down the length of my shoulders and arms. And, it was quite soothing to see my coat cascade gently onto my chair in one, fluid motion.
I don’t even know why I’m writing about an instance so miniscule and insignificant, but it all seems just right. In fact, everything seems to be turning out right because I suddenly feel this way. My deadlines for today have been met, a few good friends called me from out of the blue, I received answers to some pending questions, etc.
That’s when it hit me that I should treat every day special… every feeling special… every moment, precious. It’s just difficult to see and appreciate every little thing in the world when I am constantly engulfed by goal-setting, deadlines, media, economic crises, and my own self-imposed pressure.
Sometimes we all misinterpret the little things as annoyances, when they really are blessings in disguise.
Here’s what I’m grateful for today:
- My daughter clinging to me this morning, making me late for work – I’m grateful to spend ten extra minutes taking in all her unconditional love.
- My bus being packed with commuters – I’m grateful to be part of a community and be able to exchange smiles and common courtesies with strangers.
- Taking off my coat at the office – I’m grateful that I can feel, that I am energized, that I still have my youth, and that I am alive. I watched a program about people with disabilities the other day, and was amazed at the perseverance of each who overcame their disabilities.
- My cafeteria not serving hash browns today – I’m grateful that I didn’t have anything to tempt me. I am working on lowering my cholesterol after all.
The day is not over yet… but those are just a few things I’m thankful for already. I’ll be sure to strive to start each day, the way I feel today.
Jan 28, 2009
When it Snows, Everyone Slows... down in traffic.
Well, it took awhile for me to get to my town's bus terminal. Usually it takes about 10 to 15 minutes from my house; but today it took about an hour. Everyone was at a slow crawl of about 25 miles per hour on the roads... which in a way is nice for a change.
I just tuned the radio station to "Lite FM", and inched along in my car, almost falling asleep at some intervals. Not a good thing.
Anyway, here's a view from my office showcasing the wet, dripping, nastiness outside.

I'm glad that I'm finally dry, but wish I would have worked from home. Kudos to all the smarter people who did work from home!