The million dollar experiment... initiated by Steve Pavlina (based on the intention- manifestation model)
Steve Pavlina is a well-known blogger who went from very little to being a well compensated entrepreneur. I have been reading some of his blogs for sometime now and have been applying some of his tips to supplement my own success tips. (Click on the link above to check his site out).
By now, many people are skeptical of get-rich quick schemes... but I can assure you that intention-manifestation is not that type of thing. In fact, after reading his blog, there is strong indication that some of his experiments are things that one has to work on and to have faith in. One experiment that caught my interest was the million dollar experiment that he began in 2006. It seems that with strong faith and increased awareness, one could have wealth accumulate passively (the amount of the wealth obviously varies from $0.01 to $500k +). But let's face it... if you found a penny after participating in this experiment, you are one penny richer than before.
The one thing Steve emphasizes is that no matter the amount of your manifested money, you should express gratitude to the forces that be, thus opening up more doors of opportunity for you. I did exactly this, and found myself winning $50 in a scratch off lotto game that my Mom gave me for my birthday. Try it for yourself... and know that other readers are also empowering your chances of manifesting a fortune.
Here's what you do... print out the manifesto below and dedicate at least 60 seconds each day to read it to yourself... believe in its energy/power, and open yourself up to any opportunities. Then, don't forget to express gratitude to the forces that be!
"In an easy and relaxed manner, in a healthy and positive way, in its own perfect time, for the highest good of all, I intend $1,000,000 to come into my life and into the lives of everyone who holds this intention."
When good fortune happens for you... please do leave a comment and let me know. I would love to share experiences. All the best! -Vincent
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